7 Things you should keep Secrets

Published on Thursday, April 1st, 2021 10:36:38 AM


 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

                ~Proverbs 29:11 ~

It is regrettable that many people do not now what they should share with people and what they should keep secret. The 7 things you should not share with people are:

1. Your Income: It is not wisdom to tell everyone your weekly or monthly income. How much you earn per month is not for public consumption. Keep it to yourself and your spouse, if you are married.

2. Your Property: It is a big mistake to be bragging about your material possessions anywhere you see yourself.

3. Your Giving to the Poor: God used you to bless people some time ago. It should not be a topic of discussion anywhere you enter.

4. Your Family Issues: Everyone has challenges. Do not go around broadcasting your own challenges to everybody you come across. It is not wisdom to share your challenges with people you know they cannot help.

5. Your Secrets and embarrassing things you know about others. Gossiping does not in anyway add value to your life. Rumour-mongering is a very defective lifestyle.

6. Your goals and plans for the future: Most people's plans did come to fruition because of telling people they shouldn't have told in the first place. Avoid vision killers! Be wise and smart!

7. How intelligent and brave you are: Telling people how intelligent and brave you are is a sign of immaturity. A lot of people do this to attract praise. It is reprehensibly wrong.

May God give you supernatural wisdom in Jesus Name. Amen!



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